POSTPONED - NORTH & EASY with DUXY RED SEA - Emperor Liveaboard - 29th May to 6th June 2020


The northern Red Sea in the Summer time is a wonderful experience for all divers looking to experience some of the very best diving the underwater world has to offer. And it’s why I consider Egypt, and more specifically the reefs of Gubal, Tiran, Ras Mohammed and other highlights of the area surrounding the south Sinai peninsular my second home.

I was lucky enough to work here for five years, and theres nothing I like better than showing the place off to newcomers, but also show off some secrets to those that may have been many times before.

The summer time from May through to August, sees large congregations of fish big and small use the area to come together to breed and feast, amongst some of the best coral reef and wreck backdrops to be found anywhere in the world.

I’ve always felt that some of the stand out locations deserved to be savoured by spending time at them. And I’ve always thought that it would be great if divers were allowed a bit more freedom to stay in the water longer, get in when they wanted and make their own route around some of the best sites.

So around five years ago I pioneered my now annual, ‘Open Deck’ itineraries, which are perfect for everyone from photographers, to newbie divers, and those just wanting to be more in charge of their own dive schedule.

I’ve done a very detailed PDF for you to download here filling you in on all the details of an ‘Open Deck’ and to see if this is the sort of trip you think you’d appreciate.

This trip will visit the dolphin reef made famous by Blue Planet 2 and if we’re lucky we’ll see the dolphins exhibit the unusual behaviour they’re famous for, what a way to start your trip!

And if we don’t see them there, we also normally see dolphins at Gubal Island when we park at the Barge.
Ras Mohammed, Thistlegorm, and Tiran along with some locations you may never have visited before will also usually feature on one of my summer trips.

So get ready to see huge quantities and varieties of fish, against spectacular reef and wreck backgrounds, for a northern Red Sea trip like no other.

For further info, pricing and to book this trip then please click below for the Diverse website:

If the summer in the North doesn’t fit into your schedule, i’m now also doing an annual southern Red Sea trip so please check this out here for a pre Xmas adventure.

Paul Duxfield